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Overriding a Variable's Current Value in a Parametric Setup

If you choose not to sweep a variable HFSS uses the variable's current value set for the nominal design when it solves the parametric setup. To override the current variable value for a parametric setup:

1. In the Setup Sweep Analysis dialog box, click the General tab.

Under Starting Point, all of the current independent design variable values are listed.

2. Click the Value box of the variable with the value you want to override for the parametric setup.

3. Type a new value in the Value box, and then press Enter.

The Override option is now selected. This indicates that the value you entered will be used for the parametric setup. For this parametric setup, the new value will override the current value in the nominal design.


Alternatively, you can select the Override option first, and then type a new variable value in the Value box.

4. Optionally, click a new unit in the Units box.

To revert to the current variable value, clear the Override option.


Variable values must be single real numbers, or expressions that evaluate to single real numbers. Complex numbers cannot be used as the values of variables in any optimetric analysis.

Related Topics

Adding a Variable Sweep Definition

Modifying a Variable Sweep Definition Manually