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Specifying Variable Values for a Sweep Definition

To specify the variable values to include in a sweep definition:

1. Select one of the following in the Add/Edit Sweep dialog box:


Single value

Specify a single value for the sweep definition.

Linear step

Specify a linear range of values with a constant step size.

Linear count

Specify a linear range of values and the number, or count of points within this range.

Decade count

Specify a logarithmic (base 10) series of values, and the number of values to calculate in each decade.

Octave count

Specify a logarithmic (base 2) series of values, and the number of values to calculate in each octave.

Exponential count

Specify an exponential (base e) series of values, and the number of values to calculate.

2. If you selected Single value, type the value of the sweep definition in the Value box.

If you selected another sweep type, do the following:

a. Type the starting value of the variable range in the Start text box.

b. Type the final value of the variable range in the Stop text box.


Variable values must be single real numbers, or expressions that evaluate to single real numbers. Complex numbers cannot be used as the values of variables in any optimetric analysis.

3. If you selected Linear step as the sweep type, type the step size in the Step box.

The step size is the difference between variable values in the sweep definition. The step size determines the number of design variations between the start and stop values. HFSS will solve the model at each step in the specified range, including the start and stop values. The step size can be negative, when the Stop value is less than the Start value

If you selected another sweep type, type the number of points, or variable values, in the sweep definition in the Count text box. For Decade count and Octave count, the Count value specifies the number of points to calculate in every decade or octave. For Exponential count, the Count value is the total number of points. The total number of points includes the start and stop values.

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Synchronizing Variable Sweep Definitions