All solvers in CST09 are disabled
I installed D version +Sp7+ PJ , but all solvers are disabled. Do you know how to active these solvers ? Thanks
Even so I run CST's example on the desktop PC , the problem is staill there. The desktop PC is XP64 and CST09 ( company 's Zhen version + MWTEE's PJ) is in the folder : program files ( x86).
However, If the CST is installed in the laptop ( XP32) ( folder: program files), the problem is gone.
Does it mean that CST09 ( zhen version) or PJ is only for XP32 not for Xp64 ?
The desktop PC has also a folder : program files, but it is alwasy fail to install the CST09 into this folder. ( I browse this folder during the installation but finally CST is always in the folder: program files ( XP64 and finally all solvers are disabled )
Does anyone meet the same or similar problems ? could you share your experience in solving the problems
刪除 AMD64\modeler_AMD64.exe就ok了
Allysun is really on the ball , the problem is gone ! Thanks a lot.