CST 2009請教
小弟CST新手,,,弱弱的請教下。CST右邊1D Results 樹下的/S/linear S polar Balance Energy 這幾個分別表示的是什么》。 。
先幫你找了個Power Balance,拋磚引玉吧。
The S-parameter balance is calculated as the square root of the summed power leaving the structure through all ports. The balance should be one for structures that are loss-free (no material losses, no lumped element R) and closed (no open or lossy boundary condition). The power balance indicates frequencies where power is absorbed inside the structure or radiated through open boundaries, e.g., in case of a two port problem the balance regarding excitation at port one is defined as: the square root of |S11|^2+|S21|^2.
請細心閱讀幫助文件《1D Result View》,什么都有了……