cst microwave studio s21 s11
anyone help me for calculating power transmitted and power loss from CST-MICROWAVE STUDIO for any specific mode.
you have cylindrical waveguide - so you have one port on the one side and second port on the second side - after calculate, you have S21, S11, S12 and S22 (S21=S12 and S11 = S22). This is your transmitted and return loss.
If you want to get loss about the power, you can calculate:
Transmitted Power (dBm)=Input Power(dBm)-|S21|(dB).
If you want to get loss about Watt, you can Input Power(Watt)-Transmitted Power (Watt)
If you want to get loss about the power, you can calculate:
Transmitted Power (dBm)=Input Power(dBm)-|S21|(dB).
If you want to get loss about Watt, you can Input Power(Watt)-Transmitted Power (Watt)
The power will be reflected, transmitted and loss.
1-S11*S11 represent the power except reflection loss.
If waveguide does no has loss, S21*S21=1-S11*S11. However, practical waveguide has loss, 1-S11*S11-S21*S21 represent transmission loss
thanks ravi
hi ravi8331
I have to calculate imput impedance of spiral antenna.
Do u know how to find S11 in CST for specific reference impedance
i mean
S11 = Z - Z0/ Z+Z0
from this equation we can find Z (input impedance of spiral antenna), Z0 = 50 ohm (feed line impedance).
so i need S11 to calculate Z.
How we can find S11 from CST MWS. it has magnitute and phase.
plz help me as soon as possible.
thank you
Convert your S11 to real and imaginary component.. Real +j Imajinary and then solve accordingly.