I would like to simulate the electron current flow...
Hi to all,I am simulating a conformal array antenn...
Anybody use CST to simulate Allegro PCB board?I ca...
hi everyone...For the transient setting of the "ac...
For example, metal(silver,gold) has dielectric con...
Can HFSS and CST Support Dual cor CPUs?Which Versi...
Hey guys,I have a planar microstrip structure on a...
Hi,I‘m new to CST. So forgive me if my question is...
Hi allpls any one have examples for CST EM stuido...
HelloI have problem converting .cst file to .dxf f...
hai all.....how to find co and cross polar from si...
is coaxial or aperture coupled feeding of microstr...
hello,How can I import the matlab code to generate...
Can I set manually form and duration of incident t...
Hi, Alessio: I have download your model of "hbm...
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