EE105: Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits Berkeley高級模擬電路視頻課程 (29課時 ¥80) Instructor: Prof. Anant Agarwal
Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits 是Berkeley 電子工程專業(yè)研究生課程,共29講,每講80分鐘左右。該門課程包括:.rm格式的課程視頻和與視頻課程內容配套使用的完整的課程講義。有了課程講義讓您的學習更有效,在潛移默化中提高專業(yè)知識和英語能力。 加州大學伯克萊分校(UC Berkeley)作為世界一流大學,有著世界頂級的大師,所設課程也都是精品中的精品,緊跟最新科技的進展。本站推出的美國一流大學精品視頻課程套裝,讓您足不出戶就能一睹世界一流大學大師教學的風采;聆聽大師的聲音、拓展國際化的視野、與國際水平看齊、實現(xiàn)自我價值的提升。 |
Course Description: |
This course covers the design of building blocks for analog circuits; Analysis and optimized design of monolithic operational amplifiers and wide-band amplifiers; methods of achieving wide-band amplification, gain-bandwidth considerations; analysis of noise in integrated circuits and low noise design. Extensive use will be made of the circuit simulation program SPICE in the homework problems. Some specific topics talked about in this course are: Analog circuit building blocks: biasing, references, amplifiers, comparators Nonidealities: noise, matching, supply/io/substrate coupling Applications: SC gain stages, offset cancellation |
Textbooks: |
The course does not follow a text book and uses a unique approach to design that alleviates problems arising from deviations of modern short channel processes from simple transistor models and teaches design of amplifiers that optimally meet specifications, e.g. using minimum power. The references listed below provide additional information and give different points of view on analog circuit analysis and design. 1. P. Gray and R. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuits, 4th edition, Wiley, 2001. 2. A. Hastings, The Art of ANALOG LAYOUT, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Course Objectives: |
Students taking this course will learn the following:
Characteristics of modern IC technologies
Device speed and power performance metics
Deviations of sub-micron MOS transistors from square-law model
Device parameters variations
Passive devices
Electronic noise
Transconductance amplifiers
Transconductance versus operational amplifiers
Single- and multi-stage topologies
Feedback, stability, compensation
Static & dynamic, large & small signal characteristics
Amplifier design: from specification to bias currents and transistor sizes
Analog circuit building blocks
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