Hi,Ih I have eigenmode simulation and I have the b...
Dear all,I‘m trying to do some measurement of coax...
Hi.. can somebody tell me how to see axial ratio f...
Hi allrequire getting started cst mws hf design an...
I have troubles simulating a highly resonat filter...
Hi guys, I am trying to feed a microstrip patch an...
Dear all,I‘m facing problem with drawing ellipse i...
Hi,I‘ve problem to export the antenna layout using...
Hii Anyopne tell me what is the basic difference b...
Dear all I need a help in Microwave Studio CST..i ...
I wanna write code that will plot arg(S21) - arg(S...
Hi.... anyone who can help me how to design a d...
Hi all friend,I have export the data from the simu...
Dear all, I am trying to design a microstrip ant...
Hi guys, i am simulating broad band dual frequenc...
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