Hi all,Help required in CST .While Integrating CST...
Do the far field gain result at circular pole are...
Hi,May I know how to determine the simulated anten...
Hello everybody, I have a problem in simulating si...
can anyone tell me how to import component fron AD...
I used CST4.2 before, but the problem is that:Firs...
Dear All friend, Anybody can help me revie...
Hi everyone!Could you help me with the following q...
Dear allI would like to convert a picture in png f...
I am a beginner of CST MWS 5.0, i have three quest...
Does anybody ever try to use the lumped element in...
Can anyone help me design a Monopole antenna using...
I use CST MW to simulate an antenna, the port is a...
Dear AllI am new member here, i try to do simulati...
Hi to all!I‘m trying to simulate a LPDA but I have...
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